Amanda Kanehl, LPC

Amanda graduated with a master’s degree from UConn in 2015 and pursued a designation as a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) soon after. While working at The Village for Families and Children for almost four years in an intensive outpatient program, she helped many children and their families. As a lifelong learner, she continues to take trainings, workshops, and participate in supervision in her areas of specialty, qualifying her as a National Certified Counselor (NCC).

Our minds have the ability to heal themselves. Sometimes in life, we become overwhelmed with a big event or even many small events. The memory can get stuck in our brain unprocessed. This can result in strong emotions or patterns repeating in our daily lives, sometimes without us knowing why. EMDR therapy allows the natural healing processes of the brain to resume by creating connections between the old memories and the new adaptive information your brain now has. By using eye movements similar to what happens during REM sleep, upsetting memories tend to lose their painful intensity and transform into a neutral event of the past. When those memories that resemble current situations are processed, symptoms also tend to decrease or be eliminated.
Amanda is a Certified EMDR Therapist working with adults who have experienced trauma or wish to finally address negative memories from childhood or adult life.  Amanda specializes in working with PTSD, recent traumatic events, childhood trauma, and other therapists.

475 Buckland Rd.
South Windsor, CT 06074

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