
Using Technology to Recover

Technology has become ubiquitous.  Every one now seems to have a smart phone and I am getting used to looking at the tops of people's heads all the time.  This technology puts more demands on our society than perhaps any societal evolution in history.  We are constantly plugged in and flooded with information 24/7. Mindfulness practice helps us to unplug,...[ read more ]

Why Mindfulness is A Superpower

Many of us dreamed of being a superhero as children, and we may even have a desire to have superpowers as an adult.  This YouTube clip from does an excellent job of explaining how mindfulness works in simple and everyday terms.  It also lets us know that there are ways of obtaining new skills at any point in our...[ read more ]

R.I.P. Ziggy Stardust a.k.a. David Bowie

I truly believe in the healing properties and power of music and am a music fanatic.  I will post playlists from time to time pertaining to wellness.  Today will be marked with reverence for a true original.  Let's celebrate his life through his music. I can't say that I am a huge David Bowie fan per se, but I have...[ read more ]

Mindfulness of Business, or the Business of Mindfulness?

I found this article on twitter today.  I am a Mindfulness trainer and use many of its principles in my therapy and coaching.  I like to relay articles like this to show that anybody can benefit from making the mind stronger and more flexible through presence and awareness.

Why NYU’s B-School Teaches Mindfulness

Manish Chopra, a mindfulness practitioner who’s a partner at McKinsey and author of The Equanimous Mind, recently came to NYU’s Stern School of Business to speak to students. He began his lecture to a packed auditorium with a question: “Why did you all come here today?” Read the rest of the article here

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