
Groups are a safe place where members can feel safe to express themselves and make meaningful bonds with others in support while pursuing individual self improvement goals.  It's a safe, structured environment designed to help individuals to find their voice and recognize they are not alone in the world.

Group offerings are periodically rotated so check back soon and often.

Current Offerings:

Social Skills for 8 to 12 year old children

This is a four week educational group for eight to twelve year old children who might benefit from learning some improved interpersonal communication skills. This group is filled with fun activities that help the participants to improve social self confidence in new or established environments and learn the art of conversation.

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Mindfulness Meditation & Discussion

Facilitated by "The Mindful Guy" Chris Griffin, this six week group is a great introduction but also will help to explain how mindfulness can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression while providing tangible health benefits as well.
Individuals can learn how to become more aware of their thoughts, feelings, and actions in this supportive and collaborative environment with the intent to bring this powerful practice into their daily life as a practice of habit.

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Academic Support / Study Skills

This group, open to middle school through collage age students, teaches best practices in study techniques, organization, time management, test taking strategies and even relaxation to thwart "exam stress".
Academic success relies on one's ability to absorb, retain and recall information when needed, particularly on exam day.  Help your student to improve their confidence and maximize the ability you know they have with these proven, common sense techniques.

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Parent Support Group

Feeling overwhelmed by the responsibilities of parenting?  Unsure if the choices you are making are right for your child? South Windsor Youth & Family Services is hosting a monthly parenting support group at the Community Center!  The first Wednesday of each month a specific topic will be addressed but leave ample time for anything parents/caregivers would like to discuss. Each session will be facilitated by Youth and Family Services staff.  Light refreshments (water, coffee and snacks) will be provided.  Childcare provided if needed, please contact Liz at

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475 Buckland Rd.
South Windsor, CT 06074

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