Just a reminder that it is Eating Disorder Awareness Week. This week is highlighted by continued efforts to break down stigma about eating disorders and offer resources to those who suffer with eating disorders and those who want to help people with eating disorders.
One of the most important things individuals can do to make this happen is to talk about it. Bring up conversations about body image in the media with others. Make a point of not commenting on somebody’s appearance when you first meet up with them. This applies whether someone looks “fab” or “tough”. Take genuine interest in what is going on with people rather than discussing body type or dieting which pervade our culture. And if you know someone struggling with and eating disorder or suspect that they may have one let them know you are concerned and want help them in any way possible. Together we can help wipe out stigma and get people the help they need.
For more information about eating disorders or EDAW check out www.nationaleatingdisorders.org the NEDA website,