Griffin Counseling Services, LLC is excited and proud to offer an 8 Week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Course taught by owner Chris Griffin, L.P.C., who has had the honor and pleasure of studying with experts Will Kabat Zinn, LMFT and Debra Burdick (AKA The Brain lady). MBSR is the gold standard of mindfulness based treatments and is appropriate for those with a desire to reduce stress and anxiety, as well as increase overall well-being in a healthy way. The course also includes a full day retreat where participants can broaden and deepen their practice.

Sign up before Thanksgiving and receive a 10% discount off the regular tuition rate of $650. Discounts will also be offered to students, veterans, seniors and health care workers, please inquire further via email or phone about these special offers.

For more on Mindfulness and MBSR check out to watch a series of videos from the creator of MBSR, Jon Kabat Zinn.

And as always, feel free to call or text Griffin Counseling Services at (860) 709-0697.

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475 Buckland Rd.
South Windsor, CT 06074

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