I truly believe in the healing properties and power of music and am a music fanatic.  I will post playlists from time to time pertaining to wellness.  Today will be marked with reverence for a true original.  Let’s celebrate his life through his music.

I can’t say that I am a huge David Bowie fan per se, but I have always admired his musical ability and knack for writing a great song, not to mention his collaborative spirit.  Here’s my top five in memorium:

5. Modern Love
4. Under Pressure (w Queen).
3. Space Oddity
2. Fame
1. Suffragette City

And bonus points for The Man Who Sold the World for being covered by Nirvava unplugged and the song titled David Bowie by Phish.

“Fame, bully for you, chilly for me
Got to get a rain check on pain” David Bowie, Fame

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