Coaching and Consulting

I hear many professionals, especially in the healthcare field, say "I can take care of everybody else, but I treat myself like sh*t".

If this feels true for you, or you know someone who would benefit from mindfulness coaching, please call Chris at (860) 709-0697 or email and ask for more information about how CJ6 Coaching and Consulting can help you or your small business/association/organization.

What's the difference between therapy and coaching?

Therapy and counseling are indicated for people who may be suffering from a diagnostic condition.  As such, therapy can be covered by insurance companies.

Coaching, on the other hand, can be helpful for anybody who is struggling with daily stress, having difficult personal interactions, feels stuck, lacks self-care skills, and is not covered by insurance.  Think of coaching as working from baseline and going up.  Just as even the best pro athlete consults a coach, many people and business find coaching to make them clearer, calmer, more efficient, and experiencing high life satisfaction.  Coaching can be about a single problem, or about ongoing support.

Chris specializes in coaching healthcare workers and professionals.  These workers and professionals benefit greatly from learning mindfulness techniques and integrating them into their work and personal lives.

Chris also has a passion for helping therapists, counselors and other helping professional achieve their dream of having a thriving private practice

Of course you'll never know if Chris can help you or not unless you contact him and ask.  You may just be surprised.

If you are interested in coaching services please contact Chris to schedule a free 15 minute phone consultation.

475 Buckland Rd.
South Windsor, CT 06074

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